landing n. 1.登陆;着陆,降落;下车。 2. 登陆处;(飞机)着陆地;码头;(车站的)月台。 3.【建筑】楼梯平台;梯台;【林业】集材场,贮木场;【矿物】装卸台。 4.【无线电】(电子的)沉陷,沉淀。 make [effect] a landing 登陆;着陆。 make a forced landing 强迫降落,迫降。 make a safe landing 安全降落。 make a soft landing 软着陆。 Happy landing! 祝旅途平安〔送行者向上飞机的人告别语〕。
operation n. 1.动作,行动,活动;业务,工作;作用。 2.效果,效力;有效范围,有效期间。 3 【工业】工序;开动,运转;操作,运用;施行,实施。 4.【数学】运算;【医学】手术;【军事】〔常 pl.〕军事行动,作战;〔pl.〕【航空】地面指挥所;【商业】(资金的)运用;交易;投机买卖;〔美国〕经营。 operation of breathing 呼吸作用。 regulations for technical operations 技术操作规程。 directing operation 【火箭】控制程序。 the operation of a machine 机器的运转。 a capital operation 大手术。 four operations (算术的)四则,加减乘除。 a base of operations 作战根据地,作战基地;策源地。 a plan of operations 作战计划。 main operations 主力战。 operations on exterior [interior] lines 外线[内线]作战。 come [go] into operation 开始工作,开始运转;生效。 in operation 活动着;运转着;施行着。 perform an operation (on sb. for a disease) (给某人)动(外科)手术。 put into operation 实施,施行。 undergo an operation 受手术。
There have been many examples in landing operations 登陆(岛)作战的战例很多。
Beach landing operation games - 4455 miniclip games 抢滩登陆战小游戏- 4399小游戏
The support and tactics of land operation under tower - type economy mode 模式下土地资本运营的支撑及策略
4455 beach landing operation games 更多同类游戏
Beach landing operation games 抢滩登陆战小游戏
Beach landing operation 抢滩登陆战
Carrier - based aviation will support both naval and land operation when possible 航母携带的空军可以在可能的时候支援陆军和海军。
The urban land operation with the core of land purchase and reserve is an innovation in utilizing the urban lands 摘要以土地收购储备为核心的城市土地经营是城市土地使用制度的一项重大创新。
Contractors for the land operation are obliged to protect and use the land rationally according to the usages specified in the contracts 承包经营土地的单位和个人,有保护和按照承包合同约定的用途合理利用土地的义务。
It will be possible to develop in depth coastal defence , thus , careful control of player naval and air forces will be the key to successful land operations 在远海地区防守将成为可能的,于是,玩家对海军和空军的细心操作,将成为陆战成功的关键。